Frequently Asked Questions
Why Rites of Passage?
Adolescence can be a very turbulent time. The strain and isolation due to Covid19 has added a significant layer of concern. The lure to participate in negative activity, too readily available, is strong. Egbe Iwa provides a positive alternative that is based on the African and Native American example as well as the traditions of African American, Afro-Cuban, Caribbean, and other Diaspora cultures. These rites bring joy and excitement not only to the youth and their families, but also to everyone in the community. As a child becomes an adult, the community is assured that it’s traditions and values will continue on and never fade away. Like any transition, the idea of changing roles can be frightening. Through the dedication and understanding of the adults who work with them, and the intense focus, instruction, and guidance given, the youth can safely and confidently grow into their new status.
Do I have to be a member of an African religion to be part of the program?
Absolutely not. Egbe Iwa is not a religious program. It is open to all. We do not exclude participants due to race, creed, color, or sexual orientation.
When does the 2025 Session ọ́kànlá (11) begin?
Orientation – May 3rd, 2025
Induction Ceremony- May 3st, 2025
Community Presentation & First Ile Ishona/Workshop – June 8th, 2025.
Are all the sessions virtual?
As Covid 19 restrictions have eased, we will meet in person if it is safe and all participants are able. We will also conduct coordinating virtual sessions for participants outside of NY when necessary. In person sessions take place for the induction ceremonies, community presentations, weekend retreats, and the Ite Siwaju- private and community gala graduations.
How long does each session last?
Egbe Iwa is a year long program. We build commitments so that the bonds and teachings last a lifetime.
What is the cost per child to register?
Our registration fee is $100. Please refer to the registration page for further details and alternatives.
Is there a tuition fee?
Yes. Please refer to the registration page for further details and alternatives.
Is this a religious program?
Egbe Iwa is a cultural Rites of Passage program. We are based on the tenets of many traditional African principles. Although references are made to African cultural forces we are not a religious program. This is in no way an initiation into any traditional religion or priesthood.
How can I volunteer to lead a workshop?
We welcome you and ask you to fill out the volunteer form here.
What is the time commitment for my child who wishes to register?
You will be expected to attend 2 workshops per month. The workshops generally last 2 hours each. As we get closer to graduation an hour may be added to the workshops for preparation and rehearsals. View further details here.
Can I be an Oluko/Mentor if my child is an Akeko/Mentee?
In order to maintain confidentiality and comfort, parents cannot be Mentors at the same time their child is registered in the program. However you can volunteer to lead a workshop, You will also be asked and expected to join the Egbe set up for Parents and Guardians.
*For any questions not listed here, please contact us at!