Isoke comes to you as Human and Miracle - abandoned, fostered, shuffled, married (often), birthed and then loved by four new people (Ebony wearing the crown of Sango, Dwana wearing the crown of Yemonja, Sauda wearing the crown of Yemonja, and Ademola wearing the crown of Osun). She witnessed the birth of the only people related to her by blood and known to her that she did not birth (Imani Isoke, Sauda Fayola, Dakari Akil, Subira Tsehi, Dujaun Kaswayn, Taj Khari). You call them grandchildren. She walks in the world today trying to honor those ancesters that she can not name.
Isoke comes to you as an Afrikan* woman - renamed, re - minded, and affirmed by those members of the EAST Organization. It was here that she found the beauty and the confidence that lead her through a world that does not welcome her people -- even today. “It was hard being black. It is an honor to be Afrikan*.”
(* the spelling of this word adopted by above organization to distinguish those Africans [and African ideas] belonging to the continent, but born on lands other than the continent)
Isoke comes to you as Yoruba/Lucumi Priest, Omo Oya - welcomed, saved, crowned, loved and taught by Omo Obatala, Iyalorisa Orisiaye (Oseye Mchawi) and Omo Osun, Iyalorisa Adeleti, ibaye (Wambui Smith). She has been a proud member of this long line of Yoruba/Lucumi family for more years than her crown reveals.
Oya Niyi is Iyalosa to Dr. Tanya Mears (Omo Elegba), Dorothy Labatte (Omo Osun), Amethyst St. Thomas (Omo Oya) and Robert St. Thomas (Omo Elegba) Dr. Yaba Blay (Omo Oya), Ahnisti White-Ayers (Omo Obatala), Nicolas Robinson (Omo Ogun), Amyah Robinson (Omo Elegba), Joy Roberts (Omo Obatala), and Camille Ratteray (Omo Osun). She has also learned the gift of Ojubona and is proud to be Ojubona to Shani Dotts, Naiyah Yisrael, Lumumba Bandele, Whitney Battle-Baptiste, Sonia Ortiz, Kofi Bernard, Nicole Vaughn-Robinson, Zola Mashriki, and Ameenah Payne. She is blessed with several other godchildren who await their crowns.
Oya Niyi is also elated to be a member of Ile Ase (historically named on 4 October 2003). Isoke is also one of the founding members of the Egbe Omo Yansa. She works with our youth as a member of Egbe Inu (the core committee) of the Iwa Odo Kunrin, Iwa Odo Binrin Egbe.
Isoke comes to you as Educator and Writer – having competed her masters degree several years ago-- she has decided to return to school and should be expecting her doctoral degree in the near future. She has been an educator for over thirty years. The first nine of those years were spent in independent schools for children of African descent. Following the directions of Obatala, Isoke resigned her position as the Director of Research and Development at The Reading/Writing Project, Teachers College, Columbia University. In September of 2001 she birthed All Write Literacy Consultants. As the Founding, Director of this consulting organization she continues to travel throughout the United States and abroad, learning and sharing that learning with others who are caretakers and instructors in the world of Literacy.
Isoke is also a writer of poetry, prayer and short story. Along with a collection of her short stories, she has decided to finally begin the work on her memoir, entitled, Where’s Mother?
Isoke comes to you today as the life partner of Omowale Kierstedt. Together they care for each other and their home -- a sacred space for Love and Orisa worship. Her greatest dream is to one day hold in her hands the keys to the Ile Oya Sango Yoruba Temple and Museum and to later hand those keys to at least one of her children before her breathe is gone…
Moferefun Obatala Moferefun Yansa Moferefun Osun Moferefun Sango!